Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts submitted to YERBİLİMLERİ/Bulletin for Earth Sciences should have not been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. The overlap of contents between related papers should be at minimum, and normally confined to the introductory/discussion sections.
Authors should consult the Journal’s “Instructions for Contributors” for detailed stylistic guidelines during preparation of their manuscript. Editors may return manuscripts that are grossly inconsistent with these guidelines. One individual will need to be the Corresponding Author where the submitted manuscript is multi-authored. It will be assumed that all the authors have been involved in the work, have approved the manuscript, and have agreed to its submission.
Manuscripts submitted to the Journal are initially evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief and one of the Associate Editors. The Editor-in-Chief then allocates the manuscript to an Associate Editor, to handle the reviewing, revision and acceptance or rejection procedures. Manuscripts are sent to at least two reviewers selected from the Editorial Advisory Board and/or external specialists. Reviewers are requested to treat the manuscript confidentially. They may choose to identify themselves or to remain anonymous. After the reviewers’ comments have been received, the Editor-in-Chief and an Editor also review the papers. The Editor-in-Chief’s judgment is final with regard to the review process and suitability for publication.

The Journal is concerned with original research, new developments, and case studies in earth sciences (geology, geophysics, mining, and geomorphology). The two main types of contributions are “Original Research Papers” and “Technical Notes”. Ideas, preliminary results and confirmations on existing techniques are suitable as Technical Notes. In general, Technical Notes are shorter than papers and do not require Abstracts. In addition, “Comprehensive Reviews” and “Discussion” of papers that have already appeared in the Journal may also be submitted. Discussions should not exceed three pages. There is no provision for the publication of Discussion of Technical Notes.


Submissions shall be sent to the following electronic address: Submissions should be in one Word file. Contact information (e.g., address, e-mail, phone number) of all authors should be given in the first page, after the title. The document is a Word file that includes title, abstract, keywords, main body, conclusions, acknowledgements, references. Table and figure captions as well as figures and tables should be at the end of the document. Figure and table captions and the title of the manuscript should also be given in English (English manuscripts should contain Turkish title, figure and table captions). The document should be arranged according to Instructions for Contribution .

Authors should remain a copy of their manuscript.

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