
(Year: 2008, Volume: 29, No: 3)

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    • Ömer Faruk ÇELİK. "Comparison of the K-Ar and 40Ar-39Ar dating methods: Examples from the metamorphic sole rocks of the southern Turkish ophiolites", 101-110. [Fulltext]
    • Niyazi AVŞAR, Engin MERİÇ, Ayşe ALRAMAZANOĞLU, Feyza DİNÇER. "Recent benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the continental shelf of the Gulf of Antalya (SW Turkey)", 111-136. [Fulltext]
    • Yavuz OKAN, İzzet HOŞGÖR. "On the occurrence of Likanella spinosa (Milanovic, 1965) (Dacycladales algae) in the fusulinid limestones from the Late Permian of the Zindandere formation (Belemedik sequence)", 137-146. [Fulltext]
    • Nurdan İNAN, Selim İNAN. "Selandian (Upper Paleocene) benthic foraminiferal assemblages and their stratigraphic ranges in the northeastern part of Turkey", 147-158. [Fulltext]

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