
(Year: 2011, Volume: 32, No: 3)

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    • Murat UTKUCU, Emrah BUDAKOĞLU, Hatice DURMUŞ, A Discussion on the Seismicity and Seismic Hazard of the Marmara Region (NW Turkey) [Fulltext]
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    • İbrahim TÜRKMEN, Calibe KOÇ TAŞGIN, Niyazi AVŞAR, Ercan AKSOY, Sedimentological characteristics of Alibonca Formation (Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene) near Arapgir-Yoncalı area (Malatya) [Fulltext]
    • Fatma TARAF, İbrahim TÜRKMEN, Sedimentological aspects of the Yağlıpınar Formation, Northern Pınarbaşı (Kayseri) [Fulltext]

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